What's wrong with Evolutionary Biology?

In 03:43 of this video, Richard Dawkins contends that Evolutionary Biology explains how you can go from simple things giving rise to complex things. The problem with his contention, is that it is flat out wrong. In everything that we can observe, things only go in the opposite direction. For example, man, the most creative observable producer of things, only give rise to things about equal, or less than himself. For example, houses built by man, are less complex than man; DNA manipulation, and the products they result in, are less complex than man, etc. Birds build nests that are less complex than birds; and so forth. Further, the contention of Evolutionary Biology that things were created via an astronomically improbable series of events, rather than by intelligent agents, is completely idiotic. It is like a prosecutor saying that the plaintiff of a case is the most likely perpetrator of the crime at hand, because of evidence that shows motive, means, and opportunity; and the defense countering that a whirlwind could have come out of nowhere, and initiated a series of highly improbable events, which lead to the homicide of the victim.

Quite simply, the explanation that our world came into being because of a creator, is far, far more probable and hence plausible, than it did by a series of astronically improbable events. (Also, the fact that our world's construction is consistent with that of a creator building it, increases the likelihood that our world came into being because of a creator.)

Current knowledge now asserts that the language of DNA which underwrites all biological life, is likely from a creator, because language is only known to come from a mind. Also the fact that cells are complex, where the systems in them are much more likely to have been created as a whole, rather than come into being piecemeal by chance, further undercuts Evolutionary biology.

Christianity contends that there was a First Cause that always was, that is beyond all things including righteousness, wisdom, beauty, time, etc. It is from this First Cause that the Father came into being, who ultimately created all things through His Son. This cannot be logically refuted by atheists like Dawkins.

Patmore Douglas 7/9/2024 2:45:00 PM
