This woman is overall very interesting and perceptive. There are however a number of things she gets wrong. While all of creation or the all, ultimately comes from God, the material universe does not come from God directly, or it would be perfect and good – just like God. We know this to be true, by recognizing a law identified by Christ: a good tree can only bear good fruit, and a bad tree can only bear bad fruit. Hence given the imperfect nature of our world, God could not have directly created this world – he must have influenced its creation by imperfect beings. The above is underscored by the following scripture:
Ephesians 6
12 For our struggle is not against human opponents, but against rulers, authorities, cosmic powers in the darkness around us, and evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm.
Also, often when we pray, our prayers are accomplished through the influence of people.
Now the most important thing a Christian is required to do, is practice having faith in God. Among other things, this is what keeps him/her directly connected to God, and hence perfection. A Christian draws his spiritual power from God, and only God.
A Christian therefore exists, by first and foremost ensuring he has and practices faith in God. From this, all godly manifestations, and experiences ensue. E.g. this is where he gets his righteousness, love, wisdom, perceptiveness, spiritual powers, etc. Now a Christian’s ego becomes one with God’s, and as a result, continues to exist, but becomes reined in, as it pursues its interests and God’s – where the two become united. (This is why a Christian is not haughty.) A Christian will show love to the people and creatures of this world, through the natural prompting of the Spirit of God within him, which is natural and organic. But it is not because he becomes one with the world, or embraces the world. God (and by extension His children) cannot embrace and become one with this world, because this world is imperfect and evil, and good cannot live in harmony with evil. (This is also why the Jewish Messiah cannot establish a kingdom on earth either: a Jewish Messiah (a member of God) would be perfectly good, and a perfectly good being could never establish a kingdom on an imperfect world such as ours. Our world would have to be changed first to become perfect, before a Jewish Messiah could reign on it. This is promised to occur, in the Book of Revelations.)
Whoever you are (a Christian, Jew, new ager, spiritualist, etc.) know this: truth is a form of perfection, and given that only God is perfect, truth can only be obtained from God. Human minds can only see and reveal shades of the truth. Have the mind of Christ, to reliably see the truth! This is only possible, by having real faith in God.