The Left are Destroying our Rights, by trying to make Cases Subjective

An important tactic the Left use to erode our rights, is to weaken and make subjective, the meaning of words and events. The Left then use cultural pressures, to push people to make decisions in directions they want. For example, rape and sexual assault, were objective acts, reasonable people could agree took place. Now rape and abuse have been morphed into events, which are determined to have taken place, per the subjective view of women. Objectivity has been subsumed in the legal system, and the views of men have become irrelevant.

The Left do the same thing with transgenderism. Instead of courts objectively examining various situations and determining that a man in a dress, is ultimately a man, and should therefore not be allowed in women's sports, the Left push the courts to examine the man's subjective view, and make decisions based on his view. This is discriminatory, because only the view of the party the Left want examined, gets examined: the views of others do not get examined as well, which is a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Legislatures should pass laws (better still, constitutional amendments) requiring courts to examine cases based only on objective facts. The sentencing portions of cases can be influenced by victims’ and others’ views.

Patmore Douglas 10/15/2023 11:09:00 AM
