As can be seen in the charts below, the prevalence of autism in U.S. children grew dramatically with the increase in the number of vaccines given to children. The following is an excerpt from this article.
'Numerous studied have been completed in the US and other countries comparing unvaccinated and vaccinated children’s health. The results have been unanimous. Unvaccinated children enjoy far superior health compared to those vaccinated.
Autism is non-existent for those not vaccinated. Rates for other childhood diseases including dyslexia, epilepsy, SIDS, allergies, hyperactivity, celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, ADHD, and ear infections were extremely low for those children unvaccinated.'
I believe states should form a coalition, and challenge the FDA vaccine schedule immediately. States should also push for the revokation of immunity vaccine companies enjoy, against being sued for vaccine injuries. Finally, exhaustive studies should be allowed to be conducted on vaccine efficacy vs. harm, by a host of independent organizations.