Crowdsourcing solutions to Democrat Voter Fraud

I hear many conservatives say, that all we need to do is overwhelm voter fraud, with our own ballot harvesting schemes. The problem is that Democrats don't have a "Let's cheat through ballot harvesting" program; Democrats have a "Let's cheat through whatever means" program. This means if ballot harvesting does not allow them to win, they have many other cards up their sleeves - including manipulating computers on the computer networks used to report election results. What we need is an ongoing crowd sourcing initiative to stop Democrat voter fraud. We need experts in mathematics, statistics, computer programming, data science, forensics, strategies, etc. to come up with solutions that can counter what the Democrats are planning. We need experts and ordinary folks, who can counter the experts on the Left.

A running crowdsourcing program to counter Democrat voter fraud, should be regarded at least as important, as campaigning for elections (if not more) in the upcoming 2024 election season.

Patmore Douglas 5/12/2023 7:37:00 PM
