Creating a modern election, tamper resistant, voting system

I believe a voting system can be created, that is highly resistant to fraud. The system can be as follows:

  1. Create a voter roll database, and require it by law, to be continually up-to-date.
  2. Every candidate in an election, should be given the right to sue the administrator of the database (under penalty of jail time), with evidence that the database is not up to date.
  3. In the voter roll database, assign a unique identifying alphanumeric code to every voter, during an election. Stated another way, every election, assign a unique identifier to each voter on the voter roll, in the voter roll database. Email each voter’s unique identifier to him/her, after this is done.
  4. Upon the commencement of voting, each candidate should be given a copy of the voter roll database.
  5. When a voter on the voter roll is issued a ballot, ensure the ballot contains the unique identifier for the voter.
  6. When a ballot is counted electronically or by hand, the unique identifier on the ballot, along with the votes on the ballot, must be submitted. A ballot submission without a unique identifier, must never be accepted. Further, a ballot that contains a unique identifier that does not match up with one in the voter roll database, must be automatically rejected.
  7. When a voter’s vote is counted, have the vote automatically posted to one or more public websites (aka publicly available voting results screens). Also, email the voter, how he voted. When a voter’s vote is posted to one or more websites, ensure that the information is easily searchable by voters, and includes the voter’s unique identifier, along with how he voted. (Note: only the voter who owns a unique identifier will be able recognize his unique identifier, and hence how he voted, when his vote is posted to a website. The voter’s privacy will therefore not be compromised.)
  8. The system should automatically reject duplicate votes: i.e. ballots with the same unique identifier.
  9. By law, the official tally of an election, must be consistent with the information posted to an official public website, whose information should be mirrored by many other websites in real time.       
  10. Public and private groups, should have the right to request, and have voting results, mirrored to their websites in real time, where they can be monitored by thousands of people, if not more.
  11. All of the above procedures should be backed up by law.

In the above system, only voters on an up-to-date voter roll, can be issued a ballot, or can vote. In order to vote, a voter will need to have a ballot with a unique identifier, that matches up with a unique identifier in the voter roll database. The above scheme would therefore block the counting of ballots, that have been historically fraudulently created by a variety of means, including via mass produced fake, mail-in ballots.

The above system would email users how they voted, allowing users to confirm to some extent, that their votes were not fraudulently counted. Another important layer of protection, would be the publicly available voting results screens. Users would be able to search for their unique identifiers, to confirm that their votes were properly tallied.

The publicly available voting results screen (which would be mirrored) would be crucial to voting integrity. Thousands of people would be able to see in real time, the tallying of votes – as well as shenanigans that might take place. The tallying process would be completely open to observation, and would allow data scientists from candidates, to conduct analysis of the data. This would undercut the closed tallying process done by Dominion, and other shady companies, where shenanigans can easily take place.

Valid IDs and signatures, can be added layers of security. But even if they are not present, the above system by itself, should dramatically reduce voter fraud, wherever it is attempted.

Note: if a candidate has suspicions about the integrity of an election under the above system, he would be able to do things like encourage his voters to take pictures of their ballots, as proof of how they voted. If discrepancies are then seen between voters’ ballots, and how they voted per the publicly available voting results screen, voters would be able to present pictures of their ballots, as evidence.

I believe the above system should be under the direct control of state legislators. It wouldn’t be a complicated system to implement.

It would be crucial to ensure in the above system, that when ballot information is entered by poll workers or done automatically, the unique identifier for a ballot is universally included – otherwise the ballot is rejected. It would also be important that the display of votes, and their automatic tallying, shown on publicly available voting results screens, be controlled from a single trustworthy place.

As for election integrity in Democrat states, unless the Supreme Court rules that there needs to be adequate security and transparency in an election system, for an election to be regarded as fair, and hence constitutional, it seems the only thing we can do, is upend confidence in Democrat election systems, by continually presenting evidence that they are completely corrupt. If neither of the above things happen, then the 2024 elections will be a waste of time, and the United States will sink into tyranny. It might be possible then, to split the country in two, and save the Red states. Things do not look good.

Patmore Douglas 5/2/2023 10:51:00 PM
