The Left's only solution to Climate Change, is authoritarian control

The elites don't give a hoot about the environment. If they did, they would alter their personal behavior to save the environment consistent with their arguments about what causes climate change. Instead, individually they buy more private planes and more yachts, that put out many times more CO2 than the average person. They buy up beachfront properties despite their claims that the locations of their houses, will soon be underwater.

The Left are a distinctly feminine foe. Which means they collectively exhibit feminine qualities in their behavior. For example, with virtually every evil thing they do, they cloak themselves with ‘good intentions’. As an example, cries about voter suppression is the cover they use to rid voting systems of their security, so that they can conduct massive fraud, and render the voting processes they control meaningless, so that they can produce the outcomes in elections they want. Likewise, climate change is merely a pretext they use to impose socialist, authoritarian control over society, which society would never accept, if its members were told the truth about what the elites think about them, and what they would like to do to them. That is why for example, the Left insist on society moving towards sun and wind forms of renewable energy, even though they are unproven and unreliable (and hence by definition cannot sustain a society). That is why they refuse to accept nuclear and hydroelectric energy sources, which are the most abundant and pragmatic forms of clean energy. The elites also willfully ignore the destruction of birds and other wildlife posed by sun and wind energy solutions, as they claim to care about the environment.

There are people who have no idea just how deceptive the Left are. All they have to do is measure the consistent level of discord between what the Left say and do, to figure out their level of deceptiveness. The Left’s consistent high level of deceptiveness defines their character. It is this knowledge of the Left’s character that people must use, to figure out what the Left are truly up to – not what they say. The Left do not really believe in climate change (based on the behavior of elites’ who govern the group). Hence the Left have no real use for technological solutions as suggested here, that can help ameliorate the negative impact of mankind on the planet. As a result, don’t expect the woke Left to respond favorably to solutions other than imposing authoritarian controls on society. Why? Because imposing authoritarian controls on society is what they really want.

Patmore Douglas 1/17/2023 7:12:00 PM
