The Left promises short term pleasure, and hides long term pain

The Left are really doing a number on America's children. They are teaching kids all the wrong lessons – many things about the immediate gratification of carnal desires. The Left purposely leave out the long-term effects of indulgement in these behaviors. E.g. the Left stress to America's children, LGBT behaviors over traditional heterosexual behaviors and marriage, even though the former lead to the degradation of a person’s life in the long term, and the latter leads to short and long term security, gratification, happiness, and companionship from a person’s spouse and children, etc.

Like the devil, the Left seduces our children with short term pleasures - and never tell them about the long term disasters that will take place in their lives, if they follow their advice. The Left are doing the same thing to another of their favorite constituents: women. They are effectively encouraging women to engage in infidelity. As usual, the Left point to short term benefits, and hide the negative long-term effects to women, men, and society in general.

The Left love women, because they believe women are gullible. Now feminists have taken over the major areas of the entertainment industry, and are telling women, the more masculine they behave, the more empowered and happier they will be. A lot of women just eat up what they are being told – because they don’t have family members to anchor them to reality. The idea that women becoming more masculine, will make them happier, is of course, preposterous. Men and women have natural (or nature created) roles in society, and the more they veer away from these roles, the worse their lives become. Feminists are like singing coaches who tell singers to all sing outside their areas of excellence or expertise. So feminists say sopranos must start singing base, base must start singing soprano, etc. Things kind of work for a while, but they are leading to disasters – because many women are leading sub-optimal lives. Teaching women that they don’t need a man, or to have children after their prime years, makes them less optimal at forming families and having children. These women are likely to grow old alone without companionship from spouses, or being taken care of by their children. What is going to happen to them when they are too feeble to take care of themselves? Who will fight for them – given they have no children? Even if they have money, chances are they will be taken advantage of, and robbed by their non-familial caretakers.

The Left are apostles of Satan, and they have taught women countless lies, and many are now on their way to ruin – and will take society with them through population collapse. The Left are also trying to mislead our children with appalling ideologies like transgenderism. Protect your children from the Left. Protect women also by fighting to destroy feminism – which did a few good things to gain credibility, but which is now effectively causing great carnage in the lives of women, which will be increasingly evident in the years to come.

Patmore Douglas 11/21/2022 7:02:00 AM
