Destroying western society from within, as you claim to make it better

When the Left want to destroy an aspect of society, they cloak their actions under a noble sounding effort. Currently the Left are destroying aspects of western society, under the banner of ‘social justice’. Climate change, is the Left’s cover to destroy western society’s energy industry: the industry that powers just about all other industries. If western energy industry goes, it will lead to a catastrophic societal and economic collapse, which will in turn lead to mass deaths. (We are talking about hundreds of millions, if not billions of people dying.)  LGBT social justice, is meant to decimate the family unit – the foundational human structure of western civilization. Bringing ‘social justice’ to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is meant to destroy these disciplines in western society, ushering in western society’s collapse, as western society would no longer be able to build anything, or objectively manipulate its environment.

Western society’s citizens need to recognize the malevolence of the Left, and do something about it. Be particularly wary of trying to act through established political and other organizations: it is likely they have been infiltrated by the Left, and will not do anything to stop them.

Patmore Douglas 7/14/2021 8:53:00 AM
