Creating a constellation of conservative activist organizations

The big problem with the Republican party, it that it doesn’t do much beyond its familiar areas of interest. These areas of interest reflect the areas of interest of the party leaders – not the ordinary Americans the party is supposed to represent. In my opinion, the party’s behavior is consistent with it being compromised by the Left. The Left consistently infiltrate neutral or opposing organizations, and render them ineffective at challenging the Left. You see this with the Catholic Church, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the intelligence community, big business, the financial industry, etc. You see the Left currently trying to do so with the military. If conservatives continue to rely on the Republican party to deal with the Left, as the Left try to destroy America and western civilization from within, before long, the opportunity to defend our freedom and way of life, will be gone.

I believe conservatives should solve the problem of an unresponsive Republican party, through the use of an array of conservative activist organizations. Similar to the grassroots efforts at combatting Critical Race Theory, bottom-up groups should be formed to combat the Left on a range of issues, to correct the significant distortions the Left have made on our society; and to put a labyrinth of obstacles in place, to prevent the Left’s easy re-emergence and assault on our way of life. The most important thing conservatives can do, is break up the Left. The Left are a massive political cartel of organizations, working in conjunction with enemy states like China and Iran, to bring down America and Europe from within and without. Also, conservatives should dislodge the Left from their political seats of power, while focusing particularly on securing every election system in the country, in order to ensure free and fair elections.

Conservative activist organizations should push U.S. state governments and countries around the world, to outlaw political collusion by organizations that are not specifically allowed to do so. For example, multinationals, almost all for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, etc., should be disallowed to work together politically. In fact, very few organizations should be allowed to collude politically, and the cartels they form, should be limited in size and be transparent. Conservative organizations should push states to infiltrate globalist organizations, and prosecute their members for treason, subversion, and related crimes. Conservative groups should infiltrate election systems, and push for reforms (particularly in Democrat run districts) that ensure transparency and election integrity. If they face push back, they should garner political support, and press ahead in their mission. If conservatives do not have a significant influence in an election system, they should assume the system is rigged.

Patmore Douglas 7/8/2021 12:29:00 AM
