Why are Democrats releasing criminals from jail?

Democrat leaders are releasing criminals from jail by the thousands, under the pretext of trying to save them from COVID-19. Instead of simply quarantining the vulnerable (the elderly / those with underlying health conditions) from the general population, Democrats are all too happy to let criminals back onto the streets. Given how Democrat leaders are allowing criminals to loot and burn down their cities, terrorizing law abiding citizens, it does appear Democrats emptying out their jails, serves a purpose.

Patmore Douglas 7/18/2020 6:38:00 PM

Based on this and other events, I have little doubt, that the Left are releasing an army of criminals onto the streets, in anticipation of some planned event, or series of events.

Democrats are, under the pretext of bail reform, failing to lock up criminals after they have been arrested. Further, many DAs are refusing to prosecute rioters over recent events, after they have been arrested. Democrats are signaling to criminals, that in their districts, they will not be prosecuted for their crimes, particularly if their crimes prove useful towards achieving the Left’s political ends. Therefore if looters for example raid a department store during a left-wing protest, Democrat politicians and bureaucrats, will likely ignore what they have done, and even help them out if they get arrested, because their actions help bring about fear and uncertainty, and soften up society, to accept radical change.

The Left are getting ansty. They see that they are able to make the greatest societal changes, in moments of crisis. That is why school shootings are such exciting events for them: these events give them the perfect cover, to progressively disarm America, making it a lot easier to control.

COVID-19 has been the cream of the crop crisis for the Left, it has given them cover to:

  1. Shut down our economy, significantly weakening it, and making it vulnerable to internal and external threats. Shutting down our economy has also disempowered a lot of Americans, making them susceptible and reliant on the government. Remember, anything that is bad for America and Americans, is great for the Left, because it creates the circumstances, for them to impose their will on all of us.
  2. Suspend our constitutional rights, by cherry picking scientific facts, that support their narrative. (Remember when all is said and done, COVID-19 is less dangerous than the flu, if you are under 75.) The Left willfully ignore this fact, and steamroll their controlling measures on all of us, rather than just taking care of the vulnerable population.
  3. Disrupt and ruin our lives. For example, the Left are using COVID-19 as a pretext, to disrupt regular school, when the disease is much less of a threat than the flu to kids. This has the ripple effect of undermining many parents’ ability to return to work, and support themselves and our economy.

Don’t be surprised if you see one or more new or worsening crises leading up to the elections. (For example, there is a good chance we will see the prisoners being released under the cover of fear of COVID-19 infections, being used to fuel an explosive crime wave or riots, in order to terrorize people who live in Democrat districts, to go along with the changes the Left want to make. )
