Can mainstream media be redeemed? Not without fundamental change

How do I see the mainstream media (MSM)? As the little girl from the 1973 movie, the Exorcist. The mainstream media has become fundamentally evil, because it has become tightly ideologically united, with almost all its elements moving in lockstep – furthering a hostile anti-American agenda. It is completely godless, lacking moral restraint, and only gives the illusion of being moral – like the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. They say power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is true among the unrighteous, and can be seen as mainstream media reporting and actions become ever more synchronized and expanded, acting like a behemoth, with virtually no law or rule restraining its behavior. Many conservatives act as if they admonish mainstream media, it will change its behavior. I believe this is about as likely to happen, as a true to the bone criminal from the mob, altering his behavior, after a school teacher wags her finger at him.

Since MSM’s psychological warfare operation (around COVID-19), which shut down our economy, and put tens of millions of people out of work; mainstream media has gone to a very dark place, and has become one of the most malevolent forces in America, that is aimed squarely at Americans.

America is in the middle of a highly unconventional war, with enemies within (the Left) and without, using MSM to take us out. Everyone needs to wake up, look around, and see the connections around him. Among other things, note how events that have taken place over the past few decades, until now, are highly consistent with Soviet subversion strategies, etc.

Patmore Douglas 9/27/2020 10:45:00 PM
