Packing SCOTUS, and thought control

Packing the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) would ordinarily result in the public no longer having confidence in our judiciary. Some people think that if you point out the above, it will cause the Left to reconsider using this tactic. But the Left think they can manipulate public opinion, and render the above point moot. Also, the Left have no respect for our system of government, and have been undermining it for decades. The Left know judicial activism runs contrary to the purpose of the courts. They invented it, and have only sought to expand it as much as they can. In fact, the Left view stacking SCOTUS the pinnacle of their efforts. A stacked SCOTUS would effectively create the Democrats' own Congress or super legislature, which they control, irrespective of the will of voters. Democrats would be able to preempt Congress and all state legislatures, through their court packing scheme – thwarting the will of the people.

Democrats have an important view on governing the United States. They believe if they can completely control the perception of their citizens, they can continually spin public opinion in favor of all their schemes – including court packing. That is, for example, why President Obama often cited his administration policy deficiencies, as perception issues.

The issue is therefore not if Democrats would view a situation such as court packing fair, or if voters would view situations like court packing fair: the issue is whether or not Democrats believe they could get away with manipulating people’s perceptions. This is why it so important to undermine the Left’s ambitions to control the perceptions of citizens, through the monopoly control of all areas of society that influence thought. This includes social media, our education system, news media, and all aspects of our culture – which include Hollywood and the music industry.

Republicans need to get serious about the Democrat party, and significantly undercut this consistent negative actor in American politics and life, since its inception in the 1830s. This organization is fundamentally dishonest, and craves political power more than anything else. Legislation (and preferably constitutional amendments) need to be passed that undermine the Democrat party's desire to control all thought through the monopoly control of myriad areas of our society. Applying America’s founding father’s separation of powers philosophy to the Democrat party’s ambition of universal thought control, should be a top priority for the Republican party. If the Republicans can do this, it will force Democrats to act more fairly, and abandon their myriad dishonest schemes, such as packing SCOTUS. (Start by outlawing, or severely limiting political collusion among organizations.)

Updated: 9/24/2020 9:56:00 AM

Patmore Douglas 9/24/2020 3:49:00 AM
