Pleading with the Democrat party, to not be harsh on America, is a waste of time

When the oldest, most racist institution in all of America (the Democrat party) condemns America for its (the Democrat party's) own racism, and never owns up to what it did, don't pay attention to it and its fake piety. Democrats are anything but honest, and seek only to delegitimize America on moral grounds, using a bait and switch technique. (The Democrat party points to it’s own sins, accuse America of committing them, then condemns America for the things it did.)

Why does the Democrat party do this? It is a Saul Alinksy technique, from Alinksy's "Rules for radicals":

‘Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. "You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."’

When the Left rhetorically flog America over ‘its racist past’ (which is in fact their racist past) they are applying Saul Alinsky's above rule to delegitimize America, and assert moral superiority over it. It is of course all a scam. They use this technique to obtain and use political capital, to advance their agenda – which is to destroy America, and replace its government with a world government.

Pleading with the Left to not be harsh on America is a waste of time. For 1) they know they are being dishonest and running a scam; and 2) they have no intention of straying from their agenda.

Patmore Douglas 4/29/2021 12:27:00 PM
