Safeguarding our democracy against the politicization of a public health emergency

The Left have used COVID-19 to create a political crisis, of the like we have never seen before. Their health bureaucrats, used the virus to push for a shut down and lockdown of our country, leading to tens of millions losing their jobs, the suspension of our civil liberties, in addition to many other significant health and life ramifications. This should not be allowed to recur. Laws and protocols need to be established, to ensure this gross abuse of power never happens again.

Patmore Douglas 10/5/2020 12:31:00 AM

A big part of the problem with the US response to the COVID-19 pandemic, was that it was not democratic. It was in fact, quite tyrannical. Also the response did not seek to ameliorate the health issues brought by the disease, in a way that had the least impact on our individual rights and lives. The response instead exploited the disease, in order to implement tyrannical control over the lives of US citizens. I believe the United States has a big problem with the Left consistently finding ways to undermine its democratic authority, as well as its citizens’ rights.

  • The Left for example try to turn judges into rulers, by having them preempt legislatures, and interpret laws in ways that advance their political agenda.
  • The Left politicize government agencies, and have these agencies (for example, the EPA) impose regulations that advance their political agenda – sidestepping Congress and state legislatures.
  • The Left are openly contemplating packing the SCOTUS, which would create a body under their control, that could preempt all federal and state laws and court rulings.
  • The Left want to get rid of our electoral college system of government, because it gets in the way of them having complete control over our government.
  • The Left want to make Washington DC and Puerto Rico into states, because they are heavily Democrat districts, and doing so would allow the Left to control the Senate.
  • The Left are also subverting areas of thought in this country, by trying to obtain tight monopoly control over our education system, our culture (including Hollywood and the recording industry), social media, the news media, etc.
  • The Left are not allowing many of our institutions to remain apolitical. The Left should be satisfied with putting forward political candidates for office, who compete by appealing to the public at election time, and upon winning, carrying out policy. The Left are instead, actively turning our institutions upside down, in order to directly advance their political agenda, as well as make as many people as they can, think the way they want them to - so that they will vote for them in the future.

It shouldn’t be a surprise therefore that the Left are exploiting one of the US’ greatest vulnerabilities, to advance their authoritarian agenda. As a result, how we manage public health emergencies, need to be shored up against being exploited by our domestic enemies in the United States. To that end, I believe the following need to be done.

  1. All data related to a public health emergency should be open sourced (i.e. made publicly available), and should be made accessible from a central website. This includes all government data such as data from the CDC, FDA, and the White House task force. Studies and data from other sources (e.g. academia, and private health related organizations) should also be made available on the central, searchable, website.
  2. The above should happen on the federal level, but similar data from states should also be accessible from the above central website.
  3. The central website should be able to support a crowdsourcing model of discussion, for the optimal crafting of solutions to deal with the pandemic.
  4. There should be laws against politicians, public health officials, and private individuals and organizations, using data or a public health situation, to advance a political agenda, that significantly undermines the economic, civil, or physical welfare of citizens. Violations of the above laws, should result in severe penalties for the guilty parties, and open the perpetrators up to lawsuits.
  5. There should be a law that requires the response to a public health emergency, be as targeted as reasonably possible, while having the least collateral damage to citizens’ economic, civil, and overall health lives.
