Cancelling straight White Males and Western Society

While different individuals, historical figures, and groups get canceled from society, many have not seemed to notice the biggest casualty of the cancel culture: straight White males. If you add Christian and conservative to the mix, even if you are not White, you will be all the more despised by the Left, as belonging to the most undesirable demographics in western society.

Strong, straight men have been all but removed from lead roles in commercials, as the Left try to condition men to be weak. More masculinized women have replaced men in most commercials and new movies and TV shows – including action movies. Traditional female roles are now looked down on in media and society: as motherhood, and maintaining familial relationships, are no longer viewed as being particularly important.

Women are encouraged and enabled to go to college and overachieve, as men are left by the wayside. This results in increasing amounts of women achieving greater stature, and making more money than men – resulting in women having extremely high expectations of men, and men not being able to achieve their expectations. The above results in men and women getting together less and less.

Elites are engaged in a war against American and western societies from all angles. They are directing taxes paid by ordinary Americans, be used to fund the destruction of their own education systems. They are marshaling mainstream media, Hollywood, the Recording industry, big tech, multinationals, etc., to manipulate the destruction of our families, relationships, culture, history, and even genders.

Disabling the Republican party from within, rendering it ineffective against attacks by the Left, is a crucial part of the Left’s strategy to collapse our society from within. Time is running out. We need to repel and defeat the Left in highly coordinated ways, from a strong and effective political party.

Patmore Douglas 3/7/2021 4:48:00 AM
