Having it both ways

An important strategy the Left employ: is they criticize President Trump for not taking a strong enough position on lockdowns, while criticizing him also on the great negative effects lockdowns have had on our economy and citizens' lives. The Left cannot reasonably be for lockdowns, and then blame President Trump for pushing states to consider using them, to help combat COVID-19. If you are for a policy position, you must also be willing to accept the consequences for holding that policy position.

The above show that the Left are not really concerned about managing the COVID-19 pandemic, but are instead more concerned about politicizing it. In addition, Biden indicated that he will shut down the entire economy, as best as he can, if his science advisers tell him he should do so. Given that scientists on the Left tend to be highly politicized, and virtually always advise in line with the Left’s political agenda, we should expect if Biden becomes president, our economy will become decimated by lockdowns, and be no longer able to support its citizens, resulting in mass starvation, mass unemployment, huge state and national economic debts, mass health issues,  etc.

So while Biden criticizes the negative economic impact of lockdowns under President Trump, Biden and his handlers plan on locking down our entire country in such a manner, that it will make the brief economic depression suffered under President Trump, look like a picnic. Globalists (for example those who run the Democrat party) call this the great reset. The great reset is supposed to be a horrendous series of economic and other events for the mass U.S. and world populations; but an absolute ‘fortuitous’ set of events for the globalist elites - who just ‘happened' to simulate an eerily similar coronavirus pandemic at their Event 201, a few months earlier.

Patmore Douglas 11/1/2020 8:29:00 PM
