Why globalists are excited over the COVID-19 pandemic

I pointed out before how COVID-19 lockdowns benefit the elites of society, who tend to take a globalist view. Not only have many woke multinational institutions and billionaires made huge profits from the pandemic, at the cost of the working class and poor, globalist banks such as the IMF and World bank, loaned out money to nations, on the condition that they locked down their economies - wrecking them in the process. You may ask, how do globalist banks benefit from lockdowns? Banks make money from debt, and the more debt their clients have, the more control they have over them. COVID-19 has therefore been a boon to globalist banks, because it provided an opportunity for them to establish tremendous control over nations.

If you ever watch globalists talking about the COVID-19 pandemic, and they seem excited in a tempered way, it is because many grew their wealth and power over the event, and are excited over similar opportunities to do the same thing in the future.

Patmore Douglas 10/18/2020 6:51:00 PM
