Remedying Mail-in ballot voting

A number of states recently adopted mail-in voting across their entire territories. States like California and recently Nevada, passed these schemes into law, along the Democrat party line. These mail-in voting schemes, involve the sending out of mail-in ballots to every voter on their voter rolls - without any auditing of their voter rolls. This means if someone died, left the state, becomes too ill to vote, is an illegal alien who was automatically registered when he received his driver’s license, etc., he will receive a ballot. Also, there have been reports of a deceased cat receiving a mail-in ballot, as well as people each receiving several ballots, with different spellings of their names. In addition, states like California and Nevada have legalized ballot harvesting, where just about anyone can collect ballots and turn them in – opening the door to the coercion of voters, along with the mass tampering of ballots.

Mail-in ballot schemes are inherently insecure, and open up the door to mass voter fraud. I believe mail-in ballot systems infringe on each voter’s right to cast a ballot and to have it counted honestly. Tests have shown that the U.S. mail fails to deliver significantly less than 100% of the ballots cast – never mind there are no security measures to guard against tampering by Post Office employees or contractors. There is also the matter of the Post Office handling the unprecedented large volume of ballots in a  timely manner, over a relatively short period. Does the Post Office have the resources to handle all these ballots? Will the Post Office have to temporarily hire more workers – which further opens up the door to tampering? Shouldn’t there be a practice run before real voting is executed?

While I believe states should be free to have their own systems of voting, I do believe states also have an obligation to ensure their voting systems are secure and accurate – guaranteed by the constitution.

  1. From inaccurate, outdated voter rolls forming the basis for mail-in voting.
  2. To requiring little or no authentication measures.
  3. To relying on the U.S. postal system to handle the collection and transmission of votes accurately, timely, and securely: a job the U.S. postal system was not designed to do, and does not do well.
  4. To opening the door to third parties, to: pressure voters into voting a certain way; discarding votes they don’t like; and conducting all manner of malfeasance on a large scale.

I believe mail-in voting falls significantly short of guaranteeing each voter’s right to cast a ballot, and to have it counted honestly. I believe President Trump should create an executive order, which spells out clearly, that if a voting system is not secure and accurate, its results cannot be accepted. Also I believe President Trump’s executive order should specify that the federal government has the right to inspect a voting system, to determine if it is in fact secure and accurate.

Patmore Douglas 8/6/2020 3:31:00 PM
